Wednesday, November 3, 2010

And Now Another Installment of... Ask a Potter!

What?!?! I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you over the noise... hehehe. Or maybe I’m just not listening to you... No, just kidding. I often wonder: What do you listen to while you pot?
I usually like to listen to more ambient sounds with deep rhytyms like Shpongle, can never go wrong with David Bowie, the Yoshida Bros, Zero Seven
Rock and Roll, Jazz, Blues, all at the same time
I listen to the radio. I prefer jazz and oldies
Sally Anne:
If I'm at home: NPR. Love the weekend programming. Or music - Angry chick music mostly. I pot outside so I don't sing along… want to keep the neighbors friendly. At the studio: other people. It's a community place and It's nice to connect.

Do you listen to anything while you work? Do you prefer silence? Is there something you wish you could listen too?

We’d love to hear your questions for the Covert Potters. Please leave a comment with any questions you may have and we will try to get them answered as quickly as possible! Thank you… read on.


  1. NPR and/or Def Leppard and/or the local indie station. I also have a pair of noise-cancelling headphones if we get a particularly loud train whizzing by (we're talking, like, 30 feet away!).

    I miss listening to late night Wack Radio with Colin in Pasadena!

  2. I listen to WUMB, Boston folk radio and when they start playing bagpipes, I switch to WMVY a Martha's Vineyard station.

  3. There's ALWAYS room for Flashdance! And Footloose.:-)
