I think the below answers say so much more than what they say... in so many ways.
What is the strangest or funniest comment or question you've ever gotten about your work?
A person asked why 2 items of similar size had different prices. One had some carving with no exterior glaze and the other one had a smooth surface with glazing. I took a deep breath and told the person that the carving took me about 4 to 6 hours to complete. Sometimes what seems apparent to the artist is not always apparent to the consumer.
Standing in front of a large bowl with a hole in it, a sink, I was asked "Is that a lampshade?"
Standing in front of a large bowl with a hole in it, a sink, I was asked "Is that a lampshade?"
Paul Soldner once told me my pots might look better if I threw them left handed.
Paul Soldner once told me my pots might look better if I threw them left handed.